Sunday, December 14, 2008

Don’t Let the Sun (Chapter 5&6)

In this chapter I want to put to put a spot light Eva and her family. Eva was a young bright girl who had couple brothers and a sister. Eva’s sister who later dies went to St. John’s Indian School with her other siblings. It was a coed school But, The boys and girls were always separated from each other and almost never interacted with eachother. English was the dominate language at the school. If you didn’t know it you were taught the language as well as Music at school. Eva began to feel sick and later got chicken pox and was in the hospital for some time. Eva’s mom remarried to a man named Charley Marley. Eva’s mother who became blind from trachoma she had to take time off from school to help her mother out. eventually she got better and Eva went back to school. Charley Marley and her mother moved to Chedisake. He constructed a home where that would live happily ever after.

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