Monday, October 27, 2008

mexico's factoeris

During the last class we had a chance to look at the way of life the Mexican worker live and how they are treated by the companies from the U.S.Which moved there for lower wages. The fact that the workers can stand there and do the motions they do while working in the factory is mind blowing. Knowing that the companies would leave with out paying out the workers, it makes our country look like snakes and unreliable. At the end the women worker formed a union which took the companies to court where at the end the won and got their money. Even though they have to live with the waste of the factories they rejoice.


Karin said...

This movie was very eye opening. I agree with you that it makes the companies look absolutley horrible, regardless where they come from (not all were from the states). It really makes me feel that I need to be more aware of where the products that I buy are manufatured. Another thing that I learned more about from this movie, was the amount of polution that is introduced into the communities where the women and their families live. The fact that these companies might be presenting an environmentally consious facade to the American public who purchase their products as part of this "green fad" while they are putting their factories in locations where they can save money by avoiding evironmental regulations and working conditions regulations. This is very important to pay attention to because the health of these communities and the land that they live on are being impacted in such a negative way that the women and their children will end up dieing young and the land will become unlivable.

Renee Bordelon said...

I agree with your outlooks on the movie. I think the women workers are taken advantage of daily at work and in society. It was mind blowing for me to learn how the companies that are so popular in the United States treat their employees. I think Native men are also treated unfairly at work but not as much as women.